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Why did David Adams take the time to build this product and introduce it as a Business?

June 3, 2022 7:37 pm Published by

It started with sleepless nights and my creative spirit on how I could optimize and automate my Medicare business.  I wanted to extend my passion further into becoming an entrepreneur while helping other agents more efficiently manage their time.  Fast forward thousands of hours across developing the business model, strategic planning, human-centered design, application development, quality testing, and marketing – voila – AgentaHub was born.

To be a successful agent it takes a lot of passion and dedication to say the least, and a lot of time.  Despite it being 2022, thousands of agents nationwide have very basic tools to do things right.  Collecting information from prospects and customers and analyzing the data is mostly a tedious manual process.  While basic CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems are at play, our research indicates that most agents rely on rudimentary note taking, and more advanced agents use simple spreadsheet templates.  This means the industry is seriously behind when it comes to customer service response times that are limited based on manual process and other optimized operations when selling Medicare plans. 

The more I began to try to optimize my business operations, the more I was aware of how I was lacking in areas of technology, data analysis and automation.  I knew there had to be a more efficient way to work.  My experience, through a combination of wins and struggles, led me to seek a team that could push me into the future to accomplish more.  I challenged myself to become a catalyst for change and improve the lives of many to help them achieve a better lifestyle and an opportunity to grow their own business.

The mission became clear and through strategic partnerships and critical thinking, I was able to create a SaaS (Software as a Service) product for Agents selling Medicare solutions.  To make that happen, I hired a talented digital product firm in order to execute our mission and not only deliver technical solutions, but to also achieve it in a manner that exemplifies a great customer experience.  And while we have a version that is currently available, we’re excited and look forward to enhancements and new features for the platform as our culture is synonymous with continuous improvement.

The essence of our product is a hybrid solution that combines a great CRM, with automation that recommends the best plans, and powerful analytics that provide health indicators for your business. 

AgentaHub is designed by agents for agents.  With AgentaHub you will be able to service more clients, far better, and in less time than your competitors, in an all-in-one turnkey solution. And it’s all available to you!

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David Adams, Founder